Contacting the Agency

For general enquiries or to book an acting class;
Email -
Phone - +44 (0)7754 767 059
Classes at Radyr New School Rooms, Christ Church, Heol Isaf, Cardiff, CF15 8DY. 

- Interested in casting one of our actors? 
Please entitle your email "Casting Interest" and clearly state your casting brief with details, alongside the name(s) of the actor(s) to be considered.

- Wish to hold an audition at our sessions or sit in with potential to cast an actor/actors?
Please entitle your email "Audition" and clearly state your production company name, casting brief with project and character details.
- Please note - some of our performers are fluent in both English and Welsh. If interested in Welsh speakers, please enquire. 

© Copyright VG-V Casting Agency